Dreamers, welcome to the 24:7 theatre festival

Dreamers, welcome to the 24:7 theatre festival

Friday 25 June 2010

Dream Makers and Dreamers in the 24:7 Theatre Festival

The 24:7 Theatre Festival is heating up its engines. The media launch celebrated on June 15th was a great opportunity to check that theatre in Manchester is alive. As a volunteer at the festival I'm looking forward to being part of the magic. I came from Madrid looking for an opportunity, because theatre can make you believe that anything is possible. I would like to share experiences and what I learn from all the people I've been fortunate to know in this city. I appreciate the difference as a stimulus to get us out of our routine and reality. Theatre is all that and much more. This blog is a call for participation in the festival. Actors, playwrights, producers, journalists, volunteers and spectators can express here their opinions about the festival. A new concept is possible: the Net-theater. Together we can dream and get this festival to become a symbol of the city. This blog is able to attract not only the dreamers but also the dream makers. Welcome everybody. Signed: a festival volunteer from Madrid.